Collect toiletries for The LJS Asylum Seeker Drop-in

LJS needs your help to collect essential toiletry items for Asylum Seeker Families The LJS Drop-in for Asylum Seeker Families takes place at The Liberal Jewish Synagogue London NW8 7HA one Sunday of each month. Over the past 10 years we have welcomed over 600 adults and more than 1000 children from 16 different countries. Unable to claim mainstream benefits and effectively prohibited from working, most of our guests are living on around £5 a day.  The LJS Drop-in for Asylum Seeker Families offers a warm welcome, a hot and nutritious meal, good quality second hand clothing, nappies, essential toiletries, a financial shopping contribution, travel reimbursement, and access to a solicitor, counsellor, doctor and social worker who are all volunteers. A lively supervised children's’ play area is very popular.   Please support us by collecting the following essential unopened toiletry items:
  • Soap
  • Deodorant
  • Toothpaste and Toothbrushes (for both children and adults)
  • Shampoo
  • Men’s toiletries
  • Baby wipes
To arrange drop off or collection please email